[simpits-chat] Cookies!

Brian Sikkema hangr18 at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 11 18:18:11 PST 2003

Hey guys,

Trinos Vacuum, the supplier of our new vacuum chamber, sent us a box of 
cookies and the following letter. I thought you'd all get a kick out of it. 
Enjoy! :)


Hello Brad,

It is often, falsely, believed, that computers allow us research never 
thought possible before.  To a degree that may certainly be correct, but the 
true driving force behind research has and always will be, cookies.

It is well documented that leading scientists of all ages have eaten cookies 
to boost their cerebral capacities. Icons such as Einstein, Oppenheimer and 
Newton never had computers (just a bunch of relays, at best...). Instead, 
they relied on cookies.

It is against this backdrop that I thought of your group of gifted 
researchers and the task ahead. Most certainly you have all the computing 
power needed, yet I wondered whether you have been able to secure an 
adequate supply of high-quality cookies.

This particular kind is a German Christmas cookie, baked only for a short 
time in the year and a direct import. It is also my favorite: "Lebkuchen".

In this spirit, good luck with the Ion Thruster research, a Merry Christmas 
and a Happy New Year,

Best regards,
Timm Marienhagen

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