[GEM Development] Another video driver

John Elliott jce at seasip.demon.co.uk
Sun Oct 21 12:37:04 PDT 2007

  I've written another video driver - this time, for the Apricot PC/Xi
computers, at 800x400 monochrome resolution. It can be downloaded from the
usual place: http://www.seasip.info/Gem/drivers.html

  What made this one tricky was:
i) The PC/Xi graphical screen is laid out as 50x50 cells, each 16x8 pixels.
ii) The BIOS and hardware are decidedly not PC-compatible.
iii) ... and GEM rather expects PC-compatible scancodes.
iv) In fact, there are various bits of the Xi BIOS that are frankly pants.

  But if all goes well, the only problem you'll notice (assuming you have
suitable hardware) is that there's no key repeat.

John Elliott

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