[GEM Development] Wanted: GST Publisher [WAS: (no subject)]

Owen Rudge owen at owenrudge.net
Tue Jul 4 17:30:28 PDT 2006

> Well, should such grammar ever appear to be in short supply, be sure to 
> prod
> me and I'll wheel out one of my usual overly-long, semicolon- (not to
> mention parenthetical comment-)infested sentences; they're always good for 
> a
> laugh or two, especially when I read back to edit my post slightly and 
> can't
> quite remember what my point was to start with.  Bah.

Funny we should be talking about grammar, I got a hold of "Eats, Shoots and 
Leaves" the other day and was reading it on the nice long flights back from 
San Francisco to Edinburgh yesterday/today. Such sentences and reasons for 
them featured heavily; it's most interesting. Plus, I'm generally rather a 
pedant when it comes to grammar, particularly such things as apostrophes 
(there's a most annoying shop nearby called "Bedding, Bit's and Bob's" - I 
cringe every time I walk past it), so it made for an interesting read.

Owen Rudge

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