[GEM Development] The OpenGEM Interviews

John Elliott jce at seasip.demon.co.uk
Wed Sep 14 20:34:28 PDT 2005

: <homer>Mmm, PC1512...</homer>

: 640x200 in 16 colours (4 planes), and that was the PC1512.  The PC1640 had
: an EGA-compatible adapter onboard, which could be configured for various
: modes of operation (CGA, EGA, Hercules, possibly the PC1512's 16-colour
: CGA?) with DIP switches on the rear panel.

  No, the PC1640 couldn't do the PC1512's 640x200x16 mode; it did EGA
640x200x16 instead, which gets the same results but with hardware
acceleration. It could also do Plantronics 640x200x4. 

  One fun point is that according to
<http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=YjfMmNARDql4Ewx5%40perry.co.uk> the
PC1640 still has the original PC1512 video circuitry (disabled) as well as
its own Paradise EGA chipset.

John Elliott

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