[GEM Development] Driver list

John Elliott jce at seasip.demon.co.uk
Wed Sep 7 23:45:46 PDT 2005

  I've had a go at pulling together the various driver lists which exist 
here and there (such as <http://gem.shaneland.co.uk/guide.txt> and 
<http://www.geocities.com/heinz_rath/scr.html>[1]) to produce a big list of 
GEM drivers. 


  Those drivers which I've been able to find and which have the DRI
copyright message, I've made downloadable. Of the others, I've highlighted
them in red if no copy is known to exist on the Web, and in yellow if I've
got a copy but the copyright message indicates non-DRI authorship.
  I suggest that those who can, try to mirror the rarer drivers. While we're
probably in no danger of losing SDPSC9.VGA, it may already be too late for
some of the others. 

[1] Curiously, Heinz's page seems to be truncated. Copies from archive.org
still contain the full list. 

John Elliott

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