[GEM Development] is there someone?

Shane M. Coughlan shane_coughlan at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 30 13:01:03 PST 2003

>It usually goes quiet after a spait of O.T convo :)

Hello all.  Well, I have been a tad busy with non-GEM stuff (like reading
books!).  With regards OpenGEM and GEMini, both software products are doing
very well indeed.  I've had a silly amount of people come to website this
month (5,000) and I'm getting input from users.  I will be releasing a new
version of GEMini very soon.  Thanks to Ben it will be even smaller than the
one that came out earlier this month.

The real reason for my lack of comments this week is that I have had nothing
to say.  I've got work to do on the software, and I'm just waiting for
people to tell me what stuff they want.  I'm also reading some nice books
like MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA and drinking a lot of coffee.



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