[GEM Development] I thought I had clicked the wrong email folder...

Shane M. Coughlan shane_coughlan at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 6 22:16:39 PDT 2003

> But OpenGEM is not GEM any more than
> Redhat Linux is Linux.  When people say "I use Linux 9.0" even in the
> Redhat group they are reminded there is no Linux 9.0.  Linux is at
> Kernel 2.4.X stable.  So it is with GEM.

I absolutely agree, and I don't think that I have ever tried to give the
impression that it is.  OpenGEM is a GEM distro.  As for wrapping up, my own
PERSONALY development of OpenGEM is drifting towards an end, but that does
not mean the end of GEM.  No way.  What might mean the end of GEM is an end
to its development.  I think my postings suggesting that GEM appears to be
coming to a close are directed towards that.  GEM development itself is
pretty much stagnent.  Of course, John is working on something now.  Ben is
after playing with XM/GEM.  So it's not stagnent after all.  Great news.

I'm not sure why you are uncomfortable with OpenGEM.  I mean, I do post
about it to this list, and because noone else is really posting to the list
much it means OpenGEM is mentioned a lot, but I don't think that means that
GEM-DEV is about OpenGEM.  OpenGEM is what I do.  Owen has a great distro on
his site.  Eathan has another.  Heinz has his drivers and such.  Ben has his
desktop, ditto for John.  Um.  I don't think GEM development has much to do
with OpenGEM.  It's just what I personally do with the GEM development
stuff.  Does that make sense?

Anyway, as the most astute will have noticed a Spanish software company has
just come on board to develop a new commercial GEM.  This is GREAT news for
us all.  I guess it means we'll get new tools.  They have promised to
release their code GPL :)

GEM-DEV is unique.  I think for most people GEM is a hobby.  For me it is.
I don't think GEM or OpenGEM distro can take over the world.  Far from it.
Oh no oh no.  I'm a linguist and political scientist.  My interest in GEM is
to play with it.  My future games with Unix and GEM will be a hobby too.  I
do not plan to ever develop software professionally.



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